Symposium Biodiversity and Humanity

The NTNU University Museum and the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre has the pleasure of inviting you to the symposium Biodiversity and Humanity in Trondheim, a side-event of the Starmus-festival. Six international capacities, including Nancy Knowlton and Paul Hebert from the festival main program will reflect on biodiversity and how we as humans have influenced life and are being influenced by life on earth. Other speakers are Tom Gilbert, Maria Capa, Sujeevan Ratnasingham and Hans Stenøien. Please see Biodiversity and humanity program 2017 for details.

The symposium is free of charge and is held 22 June at 09:00 i Akrinn, Sverresgate 12. We invite all participants for lunch after the talks, so please register here:

At the time of the symposium, the NTNU University Museum hosts the world famous exhibition Body Worlds Vital. Tickets for the exhibition are sold separately.

We hope to see many of you at the symposium!

Best wishes,
